Parvati Foundation is creating MAPS, the Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary, to save the Arctic Ocean. For millions of years, since long before humans ever walked on Earth, the Arctic Ocean has been covered with ice and kept our planet cool.
Today, the ice is melting.
You have the right to know that this is a global emergency. All life is at risk.
Why we need to protect the Arctic Ocean
There is an under-reported, global, ecological, and humanitarian crisis that affects us personally, and all life on Earth, right now.
Arctic sea ice is our planet’s air conditioning system. It balances weather patterns globally so that we have the food and resources we need to survive. But it’s under threat as never before from corporations and governments that seek to profit from its melting.
Arctic sea ice reflects half of the sun’s heat away from our planet.
But today, there is 75% less Arctic sea ice in the summer than there was just 50 years ago.
Exposed Arctic water now absorbs 90% of the sun’s heat. Parts of the Arctic Ocean are 4C/7F too hot.
We are inherently and inescapably interconnected. What happens in the Arctic affects all life on Earth. We must act now to protect the Arctic Ocean.
How the Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary protects the Arctic Ocean
MAPS, the Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary, is by far the largest marine conservation area in history. It declares the entire Arctic Ocean north of the Arctic Circle an international peace park, free from exploitation of all kinds, in perpetuity. It prohibits all activities harmful to the health of the vulnerable Arctic Ocean ecosystem and its sea ice.
MAPS not only:
- Protects the fragile Arctic Ocean ecosystem, which has been a peace park for thousands of years by its very nature
- Safeguards remaining sea ice from damage by exploitation, helping to keep the planet cool
- Helps prevent natural disasters such as forest fires, floods and droughts
MAPS also:
- Compels a global shift away from fossil fuels to sustainable energy
- Unites world leaders in the commitment to value long-term collective good over short-term individual gain
- Declares our global commitment to sustainable energies and our cessation of the use of fossil fuels by saying “no” to offshore Arctic oil and gas
- Unites world leaders in agreement to no longer put short-term gain ahead of long-term consequence
What we can do to save the Arctic Ocean
The Arctic Ocean sustains us all, but it can only protect us if we protect it. Although exploitation poses a tremendous threat, most people still do not yet realize the melting Arctic ice is a global emergency. For MAPS to be established to save the Arctic Ocean, the world needs to understand why the emergency is so dire for each one of us, and that MAPS will safeguard this endangered ecosystem while catalyzing the needed global shift to sustainability.
Your country’s leader needs to know you want them to sign the MAPS Treaty.
The more signatures appear on the MAPS petition, the more world leaders will be compelled to pay attention. Sign the MAPS Petition now.
How MAPS protects all life
MAPS declares all ocean waters north of the Arctic Circle off limits to commercialization, militarization and industrialization to protect all life. By stilling the frenetic consumption of the Arctic Ocean and taking all Arctic seabed petroleum resources off the table for good, MAPS accelerates the world’s pivot to sustainability and renewable energy. It brings world leaders together to affirm the collective long-term good over short-term individual gain. According to leading biologists, we must protect 50% of our planet to prevent mass extinction. Dr. Jane Goodall, United Nations Messenger of Peace, says, “It is hugely important to establish this proposed sanctuary.”
MAPS is a direct and effective response to our global crisis. The Arctic Ocean is still one of the most pristine regions on Earth. In essence, it has always been an internationally protected area because of its year-round frozen seascape. MAPS is the only global initiative that ameliorates multiple ecological and humanitarian issues with one single, elegant solution. MAPS invites UN member states and all global citizens to exemplify the best of what makes us human — our ability to connect, collaborate and thrive. Unlike the mindset of the past which equated survival with domination, MAPS lights a path for nations of the world to set aside perceived regional differences, recognize the special role of the Arctic Ocean in preserving and nurturing all life on earth, and unite for the benefit of humanity as a whole in declaring the Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary.
How to get involved to save the Arctic Ocean
Your voice for MAPS means the world. Get involved to save the Arctic Ocean. Take action now.